analyticalQ Contact Flexibility Decision Analysis

Table of Contents

1 Introduction
2 Definition of Flexibility
3 Valuing Flexibility
4 Applications of Flexibility
5 Decision Analysis
6 Option Pricing
7 Hybrid Valuation Methods
8 Life Decisions
9 Consumer Decisions
10 Energy Markets
11 Conclusions and Guidelines
Web Resources


Book based on my PhD and subsequent work experience.

Decision Making for Flexibility

by Anne Ku


Chapter 9
Consumer Decisions

Anything that has many attributes, expensive to buy, and probably expensive to get rid of.  One which you commit some time to before getting rid of.

  • put a deposit down on an expensive merchandise
  • air fares: you pay a premium for a flexible fare
  • rent or buy a house or home
  • buying a grand piano
  • buying a very good mountain bike or car
  • choice of health club

© Copyright Anne Ku 2000