January 20021 January 2002Why
isn't anyone signing my new automated guestbook? Goodbye,
my beloved Mister Tidworth! I've
given you to The Other Woman because I've become allergic
to you. But I'm sure you won't miss me.
2001 Year of the Cat
3 January 2002 PhD: piled
higher and deeper
November 1991
It's been almost 7 years since I submitted
my thesis - and lost my appetite in the final
"endspurt". Yet the umbilical cord is still there, pulling me back twice
a week, to enjoy the new healthclub facilities that were built after my departure.
When a good friend asked me about doing a PhD, it brought back vivid memories.
It's as if I had never left.
May 1995
24 December 2001
Is it time to start a new section on
cooking? Who said a woman should be a lady in the sitting
room, a gourmet chef in the kitchen, and a ???? in the bedroom? In cyberspace,
should a woman be anonymous? |
mid January 2002 invited book review - on branding"It's
not about you. It's about them." |