analytical Q

Compositions Contact Score MUSIC

Visit CD Baby to hear a sample from the 80-minute CD of piano solo compositions and arrangements performed by Anne Ku. Click below.


Other pentatonic pieces:

Summer Solstice at Sunset

24 June 2000

In my diary entry of  22 June, I wrote of the longest day in the year.  I was still reflecting upon it when my right hand started a new progression.  Like my previous three pieces, it was pentatonic. 

After the heat wave of last week, the rain came and cooled the earth.  One can easily be fooled by this weather.  It's the middle of summer, yet the grey clouds remind me of the winter solstice.  The sun is nowhere to be seen.  It has probably abdicated in its reign over this part of the world.

Sigh!  Music follows mathematics.   Once I've established a motif, I could easily finish the piece with counterpoint and inversions.  It's too good to be true.  By the fime I finished this piece, it was dark.

The next day I transcribe it into my music notation software.  While I'm at it, I might as well as figure out how to get the entire score in GIF format.  First I save it into bitmap.  Then I open the BMP file in adobe photoshop 5.5.  I crop it, change the mode to grayscale, resize to 640 pixels wide and if necessary less to allow the length to be 940 pixels or less.  Then I change the mode to index colour and use the save as web function.  No dither, not interlaced, 4 colours only.  The result is still not as good as the adobe acrobat (PDF) output.  But until I get the embedded font sorted out, the GIF will have to do.

22 September 2000

I invited the talented classical guitarist Jubing in Indonesia to transcribe one of these pentatonic pieces. He chose this piece - and the two pages of guitar tablature may be downloaded from his site, where he generously displays more of his wonderful transcriptions for guitar. Now I just need to find a classical guitarist to perform it !