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The Diary of Anne Ku

11 July 2000 Tuesday


Restaurants on top of skyscrapers have such romantic appeal. Somehow the opportunity and the occasion have never coincided for me. Tonight I have the opportunity to dine on top of the world - but not a romantic dinner. Still, seeing the sun set on the Statue of Liberty from this angle, I could only imagine the occasion some day.

The first time I had dinner on top of the world was in Singapore. It was our company dinner - and we all gathered on top of the Westin Hotel. I can't remember if it was a revolving restaurant, but it was definitely French. I recall asking my friends what I should say if somebody asked me out for dinner. They said to say either French or Japanese. Thus, if it was French, it must have been good.

Writing this diary entry reminds me of another occasion that I had dined on top of the world. It was at Maachu Picchu that I met a traveller from Australia. We were already on top of the world - waiting for the sunset and getting hungrier by the minute. So we went to the nearest town, Agua Caliente and found a place to eat outside. After the sun disappeared, another kind of light shone through the clouds. It was the full moon. Bright and majestic, it glowed as if there was a message to tell. The food was basic - but the setting was magical. No skyscrapers, but ancient mountains of the Incas surrounded us. The next morning, we climbed to the highest peak. Yes, it's wonderful to be on top of the world.



20 August 2000

I had jotted down my thoughts of the day during my travels. Now that I've FINALLY unpacked and cleaned up my room, I found these notes. So I will now "back-fill" my on-line diary.