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Short words in Dutch

compiled by
Anne Ku

There are so many short words! They seem easy - but they drive me nuts! Next step - to group them into categories

About learning the Dutch language and life in the Netherlands come from Bon Journal and Diary entries written by Anne Ku

The Dutch have a sense of humour, no doubt about that. The Dutch are more direct than the English. Dutch is an old language, older than English. Dutch and German have a 50% overlap in vocabulary. [You don't capitalise nouns in Dutch but you do in German.]

This page will only get more populated with links and useful information as I get more into speaking the language of cunning linguists!

I invite you to suggest new links by contacting me directly.

Groetjs, Anne

At Ilp

created: 5 May 2004


Dutch word English Dutch word English
om at (time) de the
te to, too huns  
op on (day, date) of or
uit out ze she, they
als if, as en and
tijd time pijn pain
pikt   die  
hoi hi hey  
toch   noch  
doen do hoe how
dat that dit  
meer sea maar but
dan then berg hill, mountain
hij he zij she, they
nog still noit never
LEARN DUTCH - main page
Calendar items
Positively wonderful words
Expatica - expatriate community in the Netherlands
Online Dutch-English dictionary
John and Grayson's Dutch dictionary
Quia activities (games) to help you learn Dutch quickly
Dutch songs and links
Top 20 Dutch songs (free mp3 downloads)
Country profile of Netherlands
Dutch sense of humour, parts 1 to 3 by Radio Netherlands
Dutch humour links in Dutch
Dutch humour website in Dutch