analytical Q | May-Aug 2000 | Sept-Dec 2000 | Jan-Apr 2001 | Discussion |
The Diary
PROCRASTINATIONWhat a lovely word - what an awful habit! I knew my deadline, but I just couldn't bring myself to meet it. I had a dozen excuses. Women have to clean the house before they can work. How can I work in a mess? How can I do anything but unpack and put everything back where it belongs? My Brazilian friend once observed that her husband could work in a mess. She has to clean the entire house before she can think. Deadlines mean you're dead if you don't meet it. So I am going to try to work in this mess. I will postpone all my usual commitments and abstain from all housechores until I finish what I'm supposed to do two weeks ago. That is the penalty for procrastination! My life is in reverse gear. |
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