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 analyticalQ guestbook entries

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Guestbook entries from 1999, 2000, Jan to June 2001, July to Dec 2001





11 Nov 1999 engineer Chile I like the idea of having a tool to communicate with you Anne
23 Sep 1999 lawyer Texas Anne Ku is a Goddess! More Anne Ku!!!!
3 Aug 1999 free spirit Kansas In my silly little world, half of what's on your site goes right over my head. But I like it!
27 Jul 1999 graphics artist New York Your site is beautiful (!) and reflects a happy, free, and thoughtful spirit--namely, You!
15 Jul 1999 teacher Pittsburgh More cool pictures
10 Jul 1999 financial adviser New Zealand I have searched Amazon, Blackwells, etc for Anne's book "Decision Making for Flexibility" to no avail.  Could you direct me to the source and perhaps it maybe helpful for Anne's wealth and the knowledge of the rest of us if her web site could include these details.
24 Jun 1999 librarian Munich, Germany We are interested in your doctor thesis: Anne Ku (1995) Modelling Uncertainty in Electricity Capacity Planning, PhD Thesis, University of London, U.K. Where can we order this publication?
6 April 1999 conductor New York You have an Asian ancestry either Chinese or Korean. You've studied in the US. Now, you live in London where you've studied for a doctorate program. You are fluent in at least two languages. You've seriously studied piano for a long time, but you found you had other talents too. You might actually have a degree in music. You main job is related to management or administration, but you don't want to give up the musical part of your life.  I am very impressed. I had no idea what you were talking about when I read your thesis. Flexibility thing interests me a great deal. Your recital programme looks really academic and well chosen.