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nontechnical books


Option pricing:

from easy and general to the more formulaic:

Options: The investor's complete toolkit, by Robert W. Kolb, paperback 216 pages

Financial Derivatives, by Robert W. Kolb, paperback 208 pages

Options Analysis, by Robert G. Tompkins, hardback 597 pages

Options Explained, by Robert Tompkins, paperback 301 pages

Options Markets, by John C. Cox and Mark Rubinstein, hardback 498 pages, - a classic but not that easy to understand

Managing Financial Risk: a guide to derivative products financial engineering and value maximization, by Charles W. Smithson et al, hardback 538 pages

Options Pricing: an international perspective, by Gordon Gemmill, paperback 275 pages

Black-Scholes and Beyond: Option Pricing Models, by Neil A. Chriss, hardback 496 pages excellent for binomial trees!

The Handbook of Exotic Options Instruments, Analysis and Applications, ed. Israel Nelken, hardback 362 pages- excellent for exotics!

Financial Options from theory to practice, edited by Stephen Figlewski et al, paperback 579 pages, really useful explanations of formulae

Option Volatility and Pricing: Advanced Trading Strategies and Techniques, by Sheldon Natenberg, hardback 469 pages, $50 $41.96 - another must keep!

The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives a student introduction, by Paul Wilmott et al, paperback 317 pages

An Introduction to the Mathematics of Financial Derivatives, by Salih N. Neftci, hardback 352 pages

Financial Calculus: an introduction to derivative pricing, by Martin Baxter and Andrew Rennie, hardback 233 pages

Option Pricing: mathematical models and computation, by Paul Wilmott et al, hardback 457 pages - all those partial differential equations!

Over the Rainbow: developments in exotic options and complex swaps, edited by Robert Jarrow, RISK BOOK paperback 343 pages


How Mutual Funds Work, by Albert J. Fredman and Russ Wiles, paperback 334 pages

A Primer on Securitization, edited by Leon T. Kendall and Michael J. Fishman, hardback, 189 pages

Continuous-Time Finance, by Robert C. Merton, paperback732 pages

Dynamic Hedging: Managing vanilla and exotic options, by Nassim Taleb, hardback 506 pages

Investments, by Bodie Kane & Marcus, hardback 115 pages

Volatility in the Capital Markets: State-of-the Art Techniques for Modeling, Managing and Trading Volatility, ed. Israel Nelken, hardback 224 pages

Investment under Uncertainty, by Avinash K. Dixit and Robert S. Pindyck, hardback 468 pages one of the first books about real options

The Evaluation of Risk in Business Investment, by JC Hull, paperback 177 pages

Risk, by John Adams, paperback 228 pages,

The Handbook of Risk Management and Analysis, edited by Carol Alexander, hardback 367 pages essays

Market Volatility, by Robert J. Shiller, paperback 464 pages

Against the Gods: the remarkable story of risk, by Peter L. Bernstein, hardback 383 pagesgood novel

Computer Science:

Know Your Net (spiral-bound), easy to read, good introduction to anyone who wants to know about the Internet

Lotus Notes Release 4 for Dummies - Quick Reference, also easy to read.

The Practical SQL Handbook, by Bowman et al, a pink paperback, that explains everything about SQL database query language clearly.

Using Access 95, by Roger Jennings, a thick paperback that explains what you need to know to build and use this popular Microsoft database


Mathematics, statistics:

Forecasting: methods and applications 2nd ed, by Makridakis Wheelwright and McGee, hardback 926 pages

Time Series Analysis, by James D. Hamilton, hardback 799 pages

Probability for Applications, by Paul E. Pfeiffer, hardback 679 pages

Probability an introduction, by Samuel Goldberg, paperback 322 pages

Numerical Analysis 2nd ed., by David Kincaid and Ward Cheney, hardback 804 pages

Numerical Methods for Scientists and Engineers 2nd ed., by R.W. Hamming, paperback 721 pages

Statistical Methods for Survival Data Analysis 2nd ed., by Elisa T. Lee, hardback 482 pages

An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications vol. 1, by William Feller, hardback 509 pages

An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications Vol. 2, by William Feller, hardback 669 pages, $89.95 $96.95

Response Surface Methodology: Process and Product Optimization Using Designed Experiments, by Raymond H. Myers and Douglas C. Mongomery, hardback 700 pages

Bayesian Analysis of Linear Models, by Lyle D. Broemeling, paperback 454 pages

Categorical Data Analysis, by Alan Agresti, hardback 558 pages

Mathematical Methods for Physicists 4th ed., by George B. Arfken and Hans J. Weber, hardback 1029 pages

Calculus of Variations with applications to Physics and Engineering, by Robert Weinstock, paperback 326 pages

Ordinary Differential Equations: an elementary textbook for students of mathematics engineering and the sciences, by Morris Tenenbaum and Harry Pollard, paperback 808 pages

Partial Differential Equations for Scientists and Engineers, by Stanley J. Farlow, paperback 414 pages

Essential Calculus with applications, by Richard A. Silverman, paperback 292 pages

A First Course in Partial Differential Equations with complex variables and transform methods, by H.F. Weinberger, paperback 446 pages


Economics, energy economics, econometrics:

A Theory of Incentives in Procurement and Regulation, by Jean-Jacques Laffont and Jean Tirole, hardback 705 pages

From Regulation to Competition: New Frontiers and Electricity Markets, by Michael. Einhorn, hardback 286 pages

Spot Pricing of Electricity, by Schweppe Carmanis Tabors and Bohn, hardback 355 pages, $138 limited availability original classic!

Competition and Choice in Electricity, by Sally Hunt and Graham Shuttleworth, hardback 237 pages, limited availability - much sought after, name your price

Retail Wheeling: a guide for end-users, by Peter C. Christensen, hardback 271 pages
Limited availability

Using Consensus Building to Improve Utility Regulation, by Jonathan Raab, paperback 316 pages

The Electric Industry in Transition, published by Public Utilities Reports, paperback 287 pages

Electricity Transmission Pricing and Technology, edited by Michael Einhorn and Riaz Siddiqi, hardback 282 pages

Privatization: an economic analysis, by John Vickers and George Yarrow, paperback 454 pages

Industrial Organization: theory and applications, by Oz Shy, paperback 466 pages

The Economics of Regulation: principles and institutions, by Alfred E. Kahn, paperback 360 pages

International Comparisons of Electricity Regulation, edited by Richard J. Gilbert and Edward P. Kahn, hardback 500 pages

Econometric models & Economic Forecasts, by Robert S. Pindyck & Daniel L. Rubinfeld, hardback 596 pages

A Guide to Econometrics, by Peter Kennedy, hardback 238 pages, librarybook

The MIT Dictionary of Modern Economics, 4th ed by David W. Pearce, paperback 474 pages

The Analytics of Uncertainty and Information, by Jack Hirshleifer and John G. Riley, paperback 465 pages

Economic Literacy: what everyone needs to know about money and markets, by Jacob de Rooy, paperback 420 pages

A Course in Game Theory, by Martin J. Osborne and Ariel Rubinstein, paperback 352 pages

Game Theory: mathematical models of conflict, by A. J. Jones, paperback 309 pages